Friday, October 30, 2015

Interrupting Chicken

Our guest bloggers Delaney and Kathleen with our daily report...
the wonders of alert   
Today in alert we learned how to managing impulsivity with the interrupting chicken than we made up are own interrupting stories like the interrupting bunny.   
We learned about csi crimes with evidence.
We also did are weekly morphic thinking. The sp (spontaneous problem) was making crazy names for colors.

     This week we spent our time together taking a closer look at one of our Habits of Mind.  First we read the book Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein and discussed it as a non-example of managing impulsivity, thinking before acting, and using your brain to manage your body.  Students then created their our Interrupting ___________ stories and presented them to the class.  I'll tell you, we have quite the creative crew!

     We also did some brain stretching using deductive reasoning puzzles-my favorite!  Try your hand at these!

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