Friday, March 25, 2016

Jones Gap Preparation

Third graders embark the week after spring break on our mountain trip to Jones Gap State Park.  We spent today preparing by doing some vocabulary review.  Students can continue to practice the must-know terms at this link.  We also looked at water quality test we will conduct at the park, layers of the forest, and life cycles of some of the macro-invertebrates we hope to find.  Students did a great job researching and composing their expert cards highlighting one of the many living organisms that calls Jones Gap home.  Take a look at their work!

Delany- Fetterbush
Srianeesh- Eastern Hemlock
Makell- Sassafrass
Brianna- Tulip Poplar
Kevin- Wild Violet
Kathleen- Foam Flower
Ivan- Sourwood
Rohan- American Beech

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